Fund Raising Group!

Saturday, January 9, 2010 | | 0 comments


  • The fund raising booth operation hour is only during the 45 minutes lunch break (12.45 - 1.30) there will be 3 groups (3 booth) operating everyday except on friday.
  • The booth operating hous MUST be strictly followed by all groups. If any groups do not obey this timeline, marks will be deducted.
  • Orientation Officers of each group have the responsibility to make sure that the type of food that will be sold on different groups on the same day must not be the same.
  • Marks would be awarded to each group with respect to the amount of profit they acquired in the end of the project and their proactive role in running the booth.
  • Juniors and OO are responsible to ensure the cleanliness of atrium after the event. Marks will be deducted if the booth is dirty and not in the proper condition!
Monday (11/1/10)
Group 1
Group 3
Group 6

Tuesday (12/1/10)
Group 2
Group 4
Group 7

Wednesday (13/1/10)
Group 3
Group 5
Group 8

Thursday (14/1/10)
Group 1
Group 4
Group 6

Friday ( 15/1/10)
Group 2
Group 5
Group 7
Group 8

Sequence for Dresscode nights !

Friday, January 8, 2010 | | 0 comments

Monday, Meet the Outcasts
1. Group 5
2. Group 6
3. Group 4
4.Group 8
5. Group 3
6. Group 2
7. Group 7
8. Group 1

Tuesday, Project Runway
1. Group 1
2. Group 6
3. Group 2
4. Group 8
5. Group 4
6. Group 3
7. Group 5
8. Group 7

Thursday, Rock The Stage
1. Group 8
2. Group 4
3. Group 6
4. Group 3
5. Group 2
6. Group 1
7. Group 5
8. Group 7

OO Groups Reshuffled!

Thursday, January 7, 2010 | | 0 comments

Group 1

Daniel Tham
Yap Yoong Jing

This group remain the same!

Group 2

Gary Meng Kim Fei
Yap Sook Yee
Cindy Chan Swin Yee

Gary's group remain the same!

Group 3

Lee Woon Chit
Wong Hiew Yi
Hung Siew Chui
Dharshen Kumar

Woon Chit's juniors and Dharine's juniors combined here!

Group 4

Yap Chew Ping
Ang Lee Jing
Chai Chern Fei

This group remain the same!

Group 5

Lim Li Ying
Lim Huay Ee
Jeanie Phang

This group remain the same!

Group 6

Lee Weei Foong
Tan Kelly

This group remain the same!

Group 7

Low Eng Hui
Teoh Siew Li
Lee Hui Wen

This group remain the same!

Group 8

Muhammad Safwan Bin Romli
Muhammad Safwan Bin Ghazali
Farrah Suraya
Low Jocin
Mok Zi Qian

Farrah's juniors and Zi Qian's juniors combined here!

A total of 8 groups.

Mobile's follow your OO's (there will be slight changes to even it out)

Senior-Junior Meeting

Sunday, January 3, 2010 | | 0 comments

The Orientation is About to Begin

It is our honor
P110 Orientation Organizing Committee
to cordially invite you


to witness together
the Senior-Junior Meeting of our fellow juniors


on Tuesday, 5th January 2010
Wednesday, 6th January 2010
Dewan Chancellor
Time: 5pm till 6.30pm

So attendance is compulsory for both days, every single one of us. Please come and give your support! The orientation would be nothing without you, P109 :)
