Regarding the T-shirt

Sunday, December 27, 2009 | | 0 comments

The T-Shirt samples are out! I'm going to show them to you all. The samples are in size S and size M. Have a look with it and double-confirm your T-shirt size by tomorrow.


That was an awesome teaser :)

Orientation Teaser Trailer

Wednesday, December 23, 2009 | | 0 comments

Meeting on 14 December

Friday, December 11, 2009 | | 0 comments

There will be a meeting on 14 December with the B.O.Ds and Committees!
It will probably be around 12.45pm @ LT3!


Take a look here

Sunday, November 29, 2009 | | 0 comments

There will be a meeting this Tuesday, 1st of December at 11.30am LT3.
ALL B.O.Ds and Committees are to attend this meeting.

It is a vital one and there are things to be cleared and discussed!

Thank you!


Video Shooting

Tuesday, November 24, 2009 | | 0 comments

We'll begin our video shooting tomorrow, November 24 as well as November 25, the day after. It should be a good kick-start.


Greetings from Wee Kiat!

Monday, November 23, 2009 | | 0 comments

I decided to post up on the useful tips and wisdom-filled advice given by our beloved senior, Wee Kiat.

Golden Rule
Orientation is for everybody and everyone should be a part of it. It would definitely NOT be a success without everyone's effort and help.
and of course! Your Pharma Spirit!

Vice President
-Settle all negotiations and paperworks
a) Permission for the Family Park (police)
b) Permission for areas around IMU (SSD, AAD) ***BOOK EARLY!***
c) Meeting with the Dean
d) Negotiate money with SRC Treasurer

-It's all about the money; keeping good track (black and white)

-Compiling and recording stuff

-Finalize the games early and test run if possible. Take note of games details (e.g. water source)
-Brief Station Masters early on their roles.
-Always have plan B in case it rains.

-Make sure that you're not the middle man when dealing with anything and receive first-hand information about anything regarding to your field.
-Booklet! Provide information on dress code nights; safety and agendas

-Plan and set up the LT2 stages early, if possible 1 or 2 hours before the event starts.

-Very Important! Test run the videos in respective venues before hand as certain computers may not have the Codecs needed to play.
-If possible, ensure the video shooting is done 2 weeks before the actual orientation so that the video crew would have time to edit.
-Very Important! Ensure that only a selected few know who the murderer is for Detective Video!

Finale - this event is actually an event purely for the Juniors, so you may want to prepare 3 performances or so (up to you)

Dress Code
-Very Important! Establish a proper scoring system. Make sure there's no biasness in judging.
Judges can make special request for tasks or punishments. Plan with them as this will make your Dress codes event more FUN!

Very Important! for the Dress code event:
a) Control the flow of event
b) If possible, prepare a rough script (tasks and punishments) or else jokes will be repetitive. Plan with the judges regarding the tasks and punishments.
c) Kindly remind the juniors that dirtyness will not be tolerated (Minus Mark!)
d) Be Lively!

PA, Music & Lighting
-Double check with the IT Department that they have unlocked the PA room before the end of office hours (before 4.30pm)
- PA room has to be booked separately on the Booking Form! Booking LT2 doesn't mean that you are able to access the PA room.

-You're our very own Paparazzi's!

-Prepare early!

-Get a board to be placed at the Atrium
-Update the scores EARLY, to keep the juniors excited
-Very Important! You may want to keep certain scores a mystery (Charity scores) till the end when you announce it during the Finale; to create some suspense.
-Very Important! Inform the OOs regarding how many marks an event will carry.

-Make sure it's halal

-Deduction of marks system for the Juniors if place of the responsible team found dirty. Collaborate with the MCs.

-Very Important! Vital! Take note on this issues:
a) Transition from IMU to Family Park (especially at night)
Ensure that there are people around the bridges and exit points.
b) Around Family Park
Be aware of the areas without proper lighting systems
c) Walkie-talkie; communication with the B.O.Ds and First Aid Crew
d) Make sure NO belongings get lost during games (e.g. lock them in the LT2/get someone to watch over)
e) Ensure that the juniors who are waiting for their parents are not left alone after the events; wait in groups!

First Aid
-Get the First Aid Box from SSD
-Make sure everyone have your number

Quarter Masters
-Be ready to give a helping hand

-Advise and Relax

These are the things highlighted by Wee Kiat! Take note about it.


Let'ss Roll


To Yee Sheun, I'm sorry for spelling your name wrongly. I have corrected it already =D

First of all, the news I got from Wee Kiat is that the Psychology Students next year will NOT be joining our orientation as their intake will probably be around February *claps claps*

and to my fellow Oscar-winning actors and actresses! We have gotta start shooting! So, immerse yourself into the role! =D

and and . . . . the B.O.D.s are doing a good job as well as Ren Yi for his awesome-ness video editting!


Cruise Control

Tuesday, November 17, 2009 | | 0 comments

Nothing much yet for this few weeks; more attention on the proposal and the designing.

Treasure Hunt and Detective Night videos will be shot SOON~

and PAY UP the fees! =D


Introduction Video Sequences

Tuesday, November 10, 2009 | | 0 comments

There will be music from the start till the end. I would propose matching the walking with the tempo of the music from the start till the Scrabble sequence.

Proposed music: Don’t Worry, Be Happy by Bobby McFerrin

o Music plays showing IMU building and pathway.

o Camera follows Jason’s footsteps from the front.

o Jason walks along pathway outside of IMU. (focus to identify chief executive)

o Chei Wan joins him at the slope. (focus to identify chief administration)

o Audrey and Yee Lin (holding files) joins them at main entrance as their personal assistant. (focus to identify secretaries)

o They meet Zi Fen and Mar-jie at ATM. (focus to identify treasurers)

o All 6 proceed up escalator.

o Meet Ridhwan, Alex, Mei Ying and Jo Lene at first floor playing Scrabble (focus to identify game masters)

o All 6 approach the 4.

o Chei Wan talks to the camera: “Don’t worry juniors, the orientation will not be as boring as Scrabble…”

o Jason talks to the camera: “It’ll be really fun throughout your orientation in IMU”

o All 10 walks to PBL rooms.

o Jason says:“Take a look here, they have been preparing for your orientation”

o Jason open the first door to see the designers group preparing stuff. (focus to identify each committee)

o This is repeated for the other 14 groups.

o Everyone comes out of PBL rooms

o Everyone looks at the camera and says:”Welcome to P110 Orientation!” at the PBL corridor.

o Focus camera on Scrabble board with arrangement of “Darkness Is ARound You”

Video Shooting time : 1.45pm till 4/5pm

Meeting Venue : First Floor (next to escalator)

Dress code : Formal (good impression for our juniors)

***The last few sequences in the PBL rooms will be shot first so that fellow committee members can leave earlier. Scenes with BODs only will be done after that.


Welcome Back

Monday, November 2, 2009 | | 0 comments

It did not worked out as plan. Quite a number are still away with their personal agenda. So I suggested that we moved it to the week of Sem 3.
There should no longer be any obstacles in the way! =D

*a big pats on Ren Yi's back for being on fire for the orientation!*

Remember! The orientation includes everybody and it's everyone's!


Thursday, October 22, 2009 | | 0 comments

To those that did not attend the meeting, the news is this;

The upcoming Psychology batch (PS110) might join our orientation. If so, we're having a few of them with us; minimal in numbers. That is if the upcoming Psychology batch have enough students.
However, our plans will still proceed on as usual and need not worry about anything as there will be no or minute changes. There will just be more people.
We'll be constantly updated by the SRC about this and let's begin our work.

Moving on,

Regarding the storyline, I need to somehow see you guys to finalize everything. And you all will be back a week or two before Sem 3 starts right?

I received Jolene's mail on the games and they're great. Hope to hear more from the four of you. Just to refresh;

# Have your games listed out (Senior's format is good)

Then we can,
# Have the schedule and the agenda (after the games are sorted out)

*Chei Wan will be in charge of this, so anything you can just get to him*

And then,

The FEES! Yes! The FEES!
Money Money Money
It's so funny
In a rich man's world

It's not funny here, so pay up! =D

As well as,

The Budget! I know I can't really get you guys to submit the budget so fast, so this thing will be done so in Sem 3 A.S.A.P!

That comes to the end of another post!
There will be more updates coming on!

B.O.D news : Chei Wan got a summon ticket for speeding on the way to IMU from Muar! Go find out what happen and what was his speed :)

Jason =D

Pop Up

Tuesday, October 20, 2009 | | 0 comments

Are any of the B.O.D members around this week? On Thursday noon about 2pm. There's a meeting with Yan and Wee Kiat from SRC regarding the orientation.

Your attendance would be highly appreciated and it is to keep you up-to-date about what's going on. Do let me or Chei Wan know if you're coming.

Jason =D

And it Begins. . . .

Tuesday, October 6, 2009 | | 0 comments

Happy Holidays to fellow P109-rians! It's time to chill.

Right, our theme for the upcoming orientation is Darkness Is ARound You. What's up with it? You'll find out soon.

Please to pay up the fees for orientation as soon as possible to the respective treasurers; Mar-jie or Zi Fen.

This is an important thing and we would like to estimate the cost of the entire orientation. Therefore, I would like to kindly ask the departments below to submit their respective budget to Jason or Chei Wan.

-GameMasters (materials needed for the games to run)
-Designers (banners, booklets and T-shirt)
-Decoration (props)
-Video Crew (blank DVDs)
-First Aid (first aid kit)
-Cleanliness (garbage bags)
-Souvenirs (hampers, prizes and gifts)
-Food (food)

**Please kindly submit your budget to Jason or Chei Wan**

VP and secretaries are to compile up the entire proposal before submitting it to David Chong or Prof Peter. GameMasters, please do submit your amazing and creative games to them :) Some games can be taken from the seniors' but do try to have some of our own.
Drop a tag or email me if you don't have the seniors' proposal as it can be a good reference.

That's all for now; updates will continue :)


Meeting! Meeting! Meeting!

Friday, September 11, 2009 | | 0 comments

There will be a meeting next Monday (14 September) around 2p.m. at one of the PBL rooms.

It will be the usual three; B.O.Ds, Advisors and Video Committee!

It's Jason again =D

Upcoming Meeting (Revised)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009 | | 0 comments

**There is a change for tmr's meeting. Instead of 10am, it's 1pm due to VP's request**

The next meeting will be on Friday!
It will be around 1pm in one of the PBL rooms.
This time it comprises of the B.O.Ds and the Advisors!
Your attendance would be appreciate :)


On the other note, Committee Members! Try to get a hand of the senior that you're assigned to call or text; especially this week, when they're coming back to take their results! Most of them are leaving pretty soon.

That's all for now. Thank you! =D

Selamat Berpuasa to all my Malay mates!


Meeting with Senior (Revised)

Tuesday, September 1, 2009 | | 0 comments

Pee Poo! Pee Poo! Pee Poo!

There will be a meeting with a couple of our seniors on Wednesday (2nd September) after 4 p.m. The venue is not confirmed yet; but we'll meet outside the PBL rooms.


B.O.Ds include :

Vice President
Game Masters



Planning. . .

Monday, August 31, 2009 | | 0 comments

Hello guys and girls,


I've given most of you the phone numbers and emails of our seniors.
Get them to brief you about their post and what they do; if possible get some samples from them.
I would like to meet the B.O.D and all the committee members sometime this week; either Wednesday or Thursday.
The date will be decided soon.


Orientation Fees

Friday, July 31, 2009 | | 0 comments

Hey all,

We'll be collecting RM 30 from everyone for the orientation.
Please pay to either of us preferably by next week, kay.


Mar-Jie and Zi Fen

Orientation Notice IV

Monday, July 20, 2009 | | 0 comments

Committee Members

*Wong Hwee Li
*Chong Ching Wern
*Kelly Chai Siew Luan
*Lee Pei Ying

*Joeryn Boey
*Alex Leong

*Ren Yi
*Alex Leong

*Yee Shuen

Dress code
*Yeap Pay Ying
*Tan Irene

Masters of Ceremony

PA, Music and Lighting
*Chiew Vien

*Kai Xin
*May Hwa

*Izyani Nabila

*Mun Yee
*Kar Mun

*Siti Fairuz
*Farah Izyan

*Ee Wern

*Zi Yi
*Wei Guang

First Aid
*Koh Pei Yin
*Lee Kah Lian

Quarter master
*Chiew Vien
*Wei Jian

Orientation Notice III

Sunday, July 19, 2009 | | 0 comments

MEETING ON MONDAY [20th JULY], 12.45pm (LT3)

It'll be a short one because I know Group A, B and C have their Data Collection for Physiology and you guys and girls have to leave and get ready early.

You all will only for those posts that have too many candidates. Whereas, for those posts that are just rightly filled, they will become the committee straight away. Therefore, it'll be a quick one and we can proceed to plan the orientation for the upcoming P110's.

*Station Masters, OO's and Mobile OO's will be decided soon.

Signing out,

Orientation Notice II

Wednesday, July 15, 2009 | | 0 comments

MEETING ON MONDAY [20th JULY], 12.45pm (LT3); the whole batch

Committee Members

(required number)

Designers (5 people)
*Wong Hwee Li
*Kwong Chea Ing
*Chong Ching Wern
*Kelly Chai Siew Luan
*Lee Pei Ying
*Siu Theng
*Yunn Shuen

Decoration (4 people)
*Joeryn Boey
*Alex Leong

Video (2 people)
*Ren Yi

Performances (3 people)
*Yee Shuen
*Alex Leong

Dress code (2 people)
*Woon Chit
*Yeap Pay Ying

Masters of Ceremony (3 people)
*Chern Fei

PA, Music and Lighting (4 people)
*Chiew Vien

Photography (2 people)
*Kai Xin
*May Hwa

Souvenirs (2 people)
*Izyani Nabila

Scorekeepers (2 people)
*Mun Yee
*Kar Mun

Food (2 people)
*Siti Fairuz
*Farah Izyan

Cleanliness (3 people)

Security (2 people)
*Zi Yi
*Wei Guang

First Aid (2 people)
*Koh Pei Yin
*Lee Kah Lian

Quarter master (2 people)
*Chiew Vien

By end of this week, everything should be finalize and we'll get started!
*I know there will be some absentees, but I'll try to make it up.
**These are the list of names that I have received, I'm really sorry if I have missed out on anyone. Do let me know!

Signing out,

Orientation Notice I

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 | | 0 comments

Updated on Wednesday, 1st of July

Board Of Directors

Chief Executive
Teh Chia Sheng

Chief Administration
They Chei Wan

Yong Zi Fen
Khaw Mar-jie

Lee Yee Lin
Audrey Ng Syn Yen

Ridhwan Bin Abdul Razak
Chung Wai Hung
Tey Mei Ying
Lim Jo Lene

They are the B.O.D for the next coming orientation.

Fellow batch mates can either volunteer or vote to be part of the committee.
Choose wisely!

Committee Members

- designing T-shirt, banners, and booklets

- decorate the settings for specific events throughout the orientation week

- taking videos shots, editing, and cropping

- watch over the junior's (only) performances
- taking charge of the list of people who are interested to perform

Dress code
- ensure everyone present themselves in a proper attire

Masters of Ceremony
- hosting the orientation week for specific events

PA, Music and Lighting
- ensure proper equipments are available at all times
- manage the sound systems, musics and lightings during the events

- snapping photos of everyone who participate during the orientation week

- giving away prizes and gifts to juniors

- keeping track of the points of each group
- updating the scoreboard

- providing food and beverages to everyone

- monitor the flow of activities to avoid littering
- make sure that there is sufficient water supply for cleaning usage
- make sure that everyone play their part in keeping the place clean

- ensure cleaning work finish on time!


- ensure valuable belongings are safely kept
- control movement of the crowd; especially during the journey to and in the park
- keep an eye on any suspicious activity or anyone and report immediately

First Aid
- locate the nearest clinic or hospital in case of any emergency
- be ready to provide assistance if anyone needs a lending hand

Quarter master
- ensure every events and departments run on time
- be ever ready to provide assistance

Our beloved Batch Reps :)

*If there is an overwhelming of people on a particular post, voting will be done.*

*Please kindly mail to either Jason or Chei Wan regarding the field you're interested in volunteering*


Chei Wan

This time it's our turn to get the orientation rolling, so let's do it! ;)

Signing out,